FAQs - ViewletCam 2.0

FAQ Quicklist

Getting Started

System Specifications

Capture OnScreen Actions

Sound Features

What sound features are available in ViewletCam?
Can I record sound while capturing onscreen actions?
How do I set my sound recording preferences?
Can I record computer sounds and microphone input at the same time?
When recording sound for a ViewletCam project, what type of sound file is created?
What audio files does ViewletCam currently support for imported sound?
How do I know if sound has been added to my Viewlet?
Can I insert sound inside ViewletCam in an existing project?
Can I hear the sound before inserting it into my project?
Why can’t I hear my sound file when playing back my project?
How do I disable a sound layer without deleting it?
How do I lock a sound layer?
How do I delete a sound layer?
How do I add Mouse and Keyboard Sounds into an existing project?
I’ve deleted some frames in my project and now my sound is out of sync, why?
If I change the “speed” of my source file prior to exporting to Flash, will this affect my sound?
Can I edit my sound layer inside ViewletCam?
What file format does ViewletCam use when converting sound?
Where can I get additional help for using ViewletCam?

Known Issues/Resolutions