Viewlets help customers climb the learning curve at Questionmark's Learning Café.
Testing and assessment software providers Questionmark use Viewlets as convenient tools for helping customers understand specific processes related to online assessments.
Questionmark uses the Internet extensively as a means of informing customers about assessments and how to use them throughout the learning process. The company uses live Webinars as a means of introducing people to the concepts of online assessment and providing expert advice about test content. Questionmark also has an online learning cafe, where customers can take tutorials about everything from question writing to best practice in formulating an assessment program. Viewlets are among the many tools utilized by Questionmark to help customers climb the learning curve to create effective online quizzes, tests, and surveys.
The company chose ViewletBuilder in order to provide bite-sized training for specific issues. When a customer says, "I don't understand how to do this, Questionmark can give them a link to a brief Viewlet that explains the issue |
they are concerned about. Visitors to Questionmark's Learning Cafe can access these Viewlets whenever they like and learn from them the fine points of authoring online assessments."
"A five-minute Viewlet can explain the issues our customers are concerned about," says Questionmark President Eric Shepherd.

"We like being able to walk people right through the process whenever they need help. Viewlets are a great learning tool to be able to offer our customers."
Questionmark's products are available for download under a temporary evaluation license. Although users can refer to online product manuals, the process of downloading, installing, and learning the software can be time-consuming and tedious. Animated Viewlets shorten the learning curve by allowing users to see firsthand how the products are used.
The easy-to-build Viewlets have been a tremendous asset, and Questionmark will continue to find new ways to use them. |