Qarbon Viewlets Deliver for the US Postal Service's National Center for Employee Development
The National Center for Employee Development (NCED) for the U.S. Postal Service is a high technology learning center that provides over 240 courses through a mix of hands-on classroom and learning-technology formats. The professional staff develops and conducts programs for employees who manage and maintain major postal systems and mail processing equipment. Courses also support computer networks and processes.
The Center was recently faced with a formidable new challenge: how to train 150,000 email users being converted to Outlook 98 and Outlook 2002, plus those using the Outlook Web Access for web browsers (Reach and Rich viewers). The training team needed a course-authoring software package that would provide easily accessible course delivery, be fast to develop, and "show" viewers exactly how to perform functions in the new email packages.
This course format also had to be adaptable for use in intranet Web-based and CD-ROM courses.
Qarbon's ViewletBuilder software delivered. Its ease of use and quick creation time allowed for swift production of online training materials. |

"NCED now has students completing Outlook training using ViewletBuilder based e-learning courses, as well as CD-ROM courses using Viewlets," said Rose Zvarick, manager of NCED's Information Technology Branch. ViewletBuilder is enabling NCED to visually display the procedures and techniques used in Microsoft Outlook's cadre of collaborative programs.
"ViewletBuilder is helping us deliver quality training products during a major conversion of our computer network infrastructure," Zvarick said.

About NCED
A variety of Center courses are open to business groups, and staff can develop customized programs. The 62-acre campus in Norman, Oklahoma, also hosts conferences from 50 to 850 attendees, including on-site meals and housing. See the public web site at www.nced.com. Call (866) 438-6233 for training services, or (405) 366-4752 for conference services. |