ViewletBuilder6 FAQs

Getting Started

Navigating in ViewletBuilder6
  • What is the Start Page?
  • What is a menu bar?
  • What are button toolbars?
  • What are tabbed views?
  • Can I customize my workspace?

Configuring ViewletBuilder6 Defaults

Creating Projects

Project File Basics
  • What file formats are projects saved to?
  • How do I save a project?
  • What files are created when saving / publishing a project?
  • How do I open an existing file?

Views and Tabbed Views
  • What is Slide View?
  • What is Thumbnail View?
  • What is a Browser tab?
  • What is a Timeline tab?
  • What is a Timeline and what is it used for?
  • What is a Stylesheet tab?
  • What is a Stylesheet and what is it used for?

  • How do I select a message object?
  • How do I edit text in a message?
  • What text formatting options are available?
  • What is a balloon?
  • How do I create a balloon?
  • What is a note?
  • How do I create a note?
  • What is a text box?
  • How do I create a text box?
  • Are there different types and styles for messages?
  • How do I change a message type?
  • How do I change a message style?
  • Why am I unable to the background color of text boxes?

Cursor Editing
  • What is a cursor indicator?
  • What is the green circle around the cursor?
  • What is the red circle?
  • What is the blue circle?
  • How do I add cursors to a project?
  • How do I change cursor shapes?
  • How do I move cursors on a slide?
  • What is a cursor path?
  • What cursor path options are available?
  • What is tray cursor movement?
  • How do I fix stray cursor movement?
  • How do I stop the cursor path to insert explanatory slides?

Miscellaneous Productivity Tools
  • What is the Format Painter?
  • How do I use the Format Painter?
  • How do I use the Spell Checker?
  • What is Search and Replace and how do I use it?
  • How do I use the Rollover feature?

Working with Slides

Working with Audio
  • What audio formats are supported?
  • How do I attach audio to an object?
  • Can I record audio inside ViewletBuilder6?
  • Can I export audio from a project?
  • If my project contains audio, can I publish it without audio?
  • How do I add a background soundtrack to my Viewlet?
  • I have a slide with overlapping sounds when the Viewlet plays?

Images and Shapes

Embedding Movies
  • What happens when movies of different frame rates are embedded?

Dynamic Enhancements
  • What are Events?
  • What are Actions?
  • How can I add an event / action to an object or slide?
  • Can I add a custom button to a slide?
  • What is a rollover area?
  • How do I embed a movie on to a slide?
  • What movie formats are supported?

Adding Interactivity
  • How do I add a hyperlink?
  • What is a Click Zone?
  • How do I add a Click Zone to a slide?
  • What slide events and actions are available for Click Zones?
  • What is a Text Zone?
  • How do I add a Text Zone to a slide?
  • What slide events and actions are available for Text Zones?
  • What is a Keystroke Zone?
  • How do I add a Keystroke Zone to a slide?
  • Keystroke zone keyboard support
  • What slide events and actions are available for Keystroke Zones?
  • What is a Pause Zone?
  • How do I add a Pause Zone to a slide?
  • How do I add a Question to a slide?
  • How do I change an interactive zone's message type and style?
  • How do I change a Question slide's button type or style?
  • How do I view a zone's properties?

Printing Slides
  • What is Page Layout?
  • How do I print slides?

Export Options
  • How can I export text from my project?
  • How do I export sounds?
  • How do I export to PDF?
  • Can I export slides as images?

Import Options
  • Can I import slides from one project into another?
  • Can I import text for translations?

Project Properties

Previewing and Publishing
  • How do I preview a Viewlet?
  • Can I preview a Viewlet without publishing it?
  • How do I publish to a local folder?
  • How do I publish to an FTP server?
  • How do I publish to ViewletCentral?
  • How do I call ActionScript methods in a Viewlet from JavaScript?

Error Messages
  • During Activation - "Over Allowed Limit"
  • Due to the security settings of your Flash Player plugin, some advanced features of this Viewlet are disabled.
  • You can not publish to a Licensed ViewletCentral account from an Unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder.
  • The project you are attempting to open was created using an unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder6 that is installed on another computer.

    In order to work with this project on your computer, you must first purchase a license for the other computer and activate it, then open and resave the project there.
  • The licensed project you are trying to open cannot be opened with unlicensed versions of ViewletBuilder6.

    Please visit our online store to purchase ViewletBuilder6.