Navigating in ViewletBuilder8
What is the Start Page?
The Start Page is the center section of the opening interface panel that displays when ViewletBuilder8 is launched. This section is dynamic and customizable. For more information, email support@qarbon.com.
What is a menu bar?
The menu bar is located at the top of the interface window and contains text menu options for such operations as File, Edit, View, etc. When selected, further options are displayed in a drop-down list menu.
What are button toolbars?
Button toolbars are normally located below the menu bar and contain button icons that, with a single click, provide quick access to tools within ViewletBuilder8.
What are tabbed views?
Tabbed views are tabs that display to the side or below the slide editing area. These views are tabs that allow access to additional functions such as Browsing (file management), Thumbnails (small visuals of slides), Timeline and more. For more information, contact support@qarbon.com.
Can I customize my workspace?
Yes, ViewletBuilder8 offers enhanced options such as tabbed views and other features that allow you to customize your workspace for optimal productivity.
Configuring ViewletBuilder8 Defaults
What types of projects can I create in ViewletBuilder8?
ViewletBuilder8 allows you to create interactive, animated Flash demonstrations, as well as videos in the Flash Video (FLV) or MP4 format, accepted by many multimedia players as well as YouTube. The types of projects you can create are myriad, but mainly up to you as an author.
How do I set a slide size for a project?
Each time you create a new project, there is a option to define a Slide Size. The slide size you choose for your project is the one that will be used for the entire project from that point on.
What is a Screenshot Project?
A screenshot project is a project made up of animations and/or static shots captured on your screen and are played back as a Flash movie.
Can ViewletBuilder8 captures areas of screens, portions of windows or active windows?
What is automatic capture mode?
Automatic capture mode allows ViewletBuilder8 to capture onscreen actions at predefined intervals. So, while action is occurring on the screen, ViewletBuilder8 can be set up to automatically capture it.
What is manual capture mode?
Manual capture means that you will need to define a hotkey that is pressed to capture onscreen images one screenshot at a time.
What is a capture key and how do I set its options?
A capture key is a key or keys that are pressed to capture what is viewed on the screen during a manual screen capture. Once you select Manual Capture Mode, click the Options button. In the Capture Options window, in the Hotkey tab, set up your hotkey defaults.
What is an Image Project?
An image project is a project made up from a series of image files such as jpgs, pngs, tiffs, gifs, etc.
What image formats are supported by ViewletBuilder8?
ViewletBuilder8 supports the most popular image file formats including jpgs, pngs, tiffs, gifs, etc. For more information, email support@qarbon.com.
Can I create a Blank Project?
In the New Project window, click the Blank Project option.
Can I specify the number of slides to create in a new Blank Project?
What file formats are projects saved to?
ViewletBuilder8 source files are saved to the XML-based QVPX format. For more information, contact support@qarbon.com.
How do I save a project?
Select File > Save from the menu. Select a folder to save the project in and type in a name. The project is saved with a .qvp extension.
What files are created when saving / publishing a project?
This will vary depending upon your publishing defaults. After you publish your file, check your project folder (or publishing location folder) to view all the files that make up your source and published projects. If you have any questions on this topic, contact support@qarbon.com.
How do I open an existing file?
Double click on the .qvpx or .qvp source file. Or, while ViewletBuilder is open, select File > Open from the menu.
What is Slide View?
Slide View is the main slide editing view and where you will spend most of your time while editing slide elements.
What is Thumbnail View?
Thumbnail View is the expanded thumbnails view where all thumbnails within the project are displayed.
What is a Browser tab?
The Browser tab is a tabbed view the offers tools for managing your Viewlet files without leaving the ViewletBuilder8 interface.
What is a Timeline tab?
The Timeline tab features the Timeline tool that can be used to perform project editing tasks similar to a standard Flash design environment.
What is a Timeline and what is it used for?
For information on working with the Timeline, refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or email support@qarbon.com with specific questions.
What is a Stylesheet tab?
The Stylesheet tab is a tabbed view that offers stylesheet options for your Viewlet project.
What is a Stylesheet and what is it used for?
Stylesheets, new in ViewletBuilder8, offer features to standardize all or parts of your project. For more information, please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com with any questions you might have.
How do I select a message object?
Click on the message object to select it.
How do I edit text in a message?
Double click on a message object to enter text edit mode.
What text formatting options are available?
Double click on a message object to enter text edit mode. The applicable context sensitive toolbar will display with all of the available text format options.
What is a balloon?
A balloon is a message style (also referred to as a call out) used to bring attention to a specific area of a slide.
How do I create a balloon?
Select Insert Balloon on the Objects toolbar. When the cursor changes to a cross hair shape, click on the slide to insert the balloon.
What is a note?
A note is a message object with a push pin in it used to provide additional information on a slide without calling attention to any specific area of the slide.
How do I create a note?
Click the Insert Note icon on the Objects toolbar.
What is a text box?
A text box is used when you want to add text to a slide so that it blends seamlessly into the background.
How do I create a text box?
Click the Insert Text Box icon on the Objects toolbar. When the cursor changes to a cross hair, drag it on the slide to draw a text box or click to insert it on the slide.
Are there different types and styles for messages?
Yes. Right click on any message object and select the applicable Style option from the shortcut menu.
How do I change a message type?
Right click on the message and select the applicable Style from the shortcut menu. In the window that displays, select and new message type.
How do I change a message style?
Right click on the message and select the applicable Style option from the shortcut menu. Select a new style in the window that displays.
Why am I unable to the background color of text boxes?
There is a bug in the current version of ViewletBuilder 5 which prevents a user from changing the background color of text boxes. The normal procedure, (right click, select Background color, then choose color, and hit apply, then OK) works for balloons and notes but not text boxes. Until this is resolved in a future version, you will need to add a colored rectangle behind the text box.
What is a cursor indicator?
A cursor indicator is the green, blue or red circle surrounding a cursor.
What is the green circle around the cursor?
The green circle indicates the location of the cursor on the current slide.
What is the red circle?
The red circle indicates the location of the cursor at the end of the cursor path on the next slide.
What is the blue circle?
The blue circle indicates where the cursor will change its shape along the cursor path.
How do I add cursors to a project?
Cursors are captured during screenshot sessions. If your project needs a different cursor, add a screenshot with the cursor you need to your project. Then, right click on the cursor and select Cursor Style to add it to the library of cursors.
How do I change cursor shapes?
Right click on the cursor and select Cursor Style. In the Cursor Style window, select a cursor. Click OK to apply.
How do I move cursors on a slide?
Click on the cursor and while holding down your left mouse button, drag it to its new location.
What is a cursor path?
A cursor path is the dotted line between the green and red cursor indicators. This is the path the cursor travels as the project travels from one slide to the next.
What cursor path options are available?
There are several cursor path options available. You can select straight or curved paths. You can also add "points" along the path so the cursor changes direction as it travels along its path.
What is tray cursor movement?
Stray cursor movement occurs when the cursor moves illogically when the Viewlet is played. For more information on this topic, please email support@qarbon.com.
How do I fix stray cursor movement?
There are various ways to fix stray cursor movement. Please contact support@qarbon.com for more information.
How do I stop the cursor path to insert explanatory slides?
In ViewleBuilder6, the cursors are connected to each other from slide to slide (Green to Red, etc). We were asked how does one insert some Text/Intro slide in the middle of a tutorial and keep from having the extra cursor movement while it lines up for the next movement?
The answer is to go to the timeline and use the EYE to hide the slide element before the intro slides. What this will do is keep the path in place, but it will hide the movement. You can then insert some slides after this and introduce the next action...then when the next visible cursor slide is reached...the beginning point matches the end point of the one you hid...thus keeping the logic in place.
If you delete or move the cursor path on any slide, you affect the beginning or end points on other slides...its better to hide the movement than to delete a cursor unless you want that path point removed/skipped completely.
Something to note: When you hide the cursor path...its timing is still affecting the slide duration so when the viewlet reaches this slide...it will display for as long as the cursor and other elements equal. Since you planned to hide this cursor anyway, you can always decrease its time by grabbing the ends are shrinking the timing. This will leave the slide at the original timing...but now its adjustable to no shorter than the cursor element.
Miscellaneous Productivity Tools
What is the Format Painter?
The Format Painter is a tool that allows you to copy text and certain shape formats from one object to another.
How do I use the Format Painter?
Select the text or shape you want to copy the formatting from and then click the Format Painter button on the toolbar. Click on the text or shape you want to apply the formatting to and it will be applied.
How do I use the Spell Checker?
Click the Spelling Mistakes button enable the spell checker. If a typo is found by ViewletBuilder, the typo will be underlined in red. Right click on a typo and choose a spell check option from the shortcut menu.
What is Search and Replace and how do I use it?
Search and Replace is a tool that allows you to search through all text within a project for a specific instance of text and replace it. For more information on how to use this feature, refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com.
How do I use the Rollover feature?
Here is the easiest way to use this feature.
1) Click on the object you want to appear "On Rollover"
2) Click on the Rollover icon from the top tool area (2nd row down). It looks like a gray box with an arrow in it.
3) Then draw the rollover area where you want it to activate
What will happen is the object you assigned to appears on rollover will now be hidden until you activate it by rolling over the new area.
What audio formats are supported?
Supported audio formats include .mp3, .aif, .au and .wav.
How do I attach audio to an object?
Select the object or slide and click the Attach Sound button on the context sensitive toolbar. Select an audio file or record one and click OK.
Can I record audio inside ViewletBuilder8?
Can I export audio from a project?
If my project contains audio, can I publish it without audio?
Yes, in the Project Properties window, in the Sound Quality section, select Strip All Sounds.
How do I add a background soundtrack to my Viewlet?
In the Project Properties window, in the Viewlet Options section, select a sound file in the Soundtrack area of the window.
I have a slide with overlapping sounds when the Viewlet plays?
The following objects can have an associated sound: Slide, Balloon, Note, Text Box or Shape. When a sound is associated with an object, the sound will start playing when the object is displayed. If two or more objects are displayed at the same time, sounds can overlap.
Additionally, a sound can be played via an event associated with an object. For example, an image object could have a sound played when it's clicked on. All of this means that there are a number of ways in which sounds can overlap.
If a slide has an attached sound, you will see a small speaker icon at the bottom of the slide in the thumbnail view. If it has an associated event, you will a lightning bolt.
If the "Attached Sound Icons" menu option is enabled in View menu, you will see a small speaker icon below any slide objects that have an attached sound.
If the "Event Icons" menu option is enabled in the View menu, you will see a lightning bolt next to any object with associated events.
To determine which object's sounds are overlapping, you will need to look at the Attached Sounds and Events associated with the slide and any elements on the slide.
To remove all sounds from a slide, perform the following actions.
Click on the slide
- Click the Attach Sound icon on the Context Toolbar
- Click the Red X on the Sound Dialog to remove the sound.
- Click on Events icon on the Context Toolbar
- Click each tab if there is a Play Sound action, click the Red X to remove it.
Repeat these steps for each object on the slide.
How do I insert images?
Click the Insert Image icon on the Objects toolbar. Browse for and select your image file. Click Open to insert it on the slide.
What image formats are supported?
ViewletBuilder8 supports .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .tiff and .bmp formats.
What image editing tools are available?
Once an image is inserted on a slide, you may resize it and change its transparency. You may also move it on a slide and layer it with other objects on a slide. If you need to crop or do any other image enhancing tasks, you will need to do this in a program that supports these operations such as Photoshop, Fireworks, etc.
Can I insert multiple images on a slide?
Can I draw shapes in ViewletBuilder8?
Where can I learn more about working with shapes?
Start by referring to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual. If, after reading this information and viewing additional tutorials on this topic, feel free to contact support@qarbon.com for more details.
What happens when movies of different frame rates are embedded?
Embedded movies, in most cases, inherit the Viewlet's frame rate. For example, an embedded SWF movie whose frame rate is 12 fps, when loaded into a Viewlet whose frame rate is 24 fps, will play back at 24 fps. This also means that an embedded movie will play back two times faster than normal. And vice versa, an embedded SWF movie file whose frame rate is 24 fps, when loaded into a Viewlet whose frame rate is 12 fps, will play back at 12 fps, or two times slower.
The only exception is if the embedded movie contains a sound on the timeline whose sync is set to "stream". Then the Viewlet will automatically run at the frame rate of the embedded movie to insure the correct playback of the sound. This is the case for ViewletCam Viewlets with sound.
What are Events?
An event is something that occurs during a specific interval of time. For example, a "slide loading" may be considered an event.
What are Actions?
An action is something that is done (whether automatically or by user input) in relation to an event.
How can I add an event / action to an object or slide?
There are several ways to add events and actions to a slide. The steps to do this will vary depending upon the object, event or action to occur. Please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual for more information on this topic. Or, email support@qarbon.com with your questions.
Can I add a custom button to a slide?
Click the Insert Button icon on the Objects toolbar. Once the button is inserted on the slide, right click the button object for additional options.
What is a rollover area?
When the cursor moves over an area of the slide designated as a "rollover area", a defined action occurs such as an image or menu popup. For more information, contact support@qarbon.com.
How do I embed a movie on to a slide?
Click the Insert Movie icon on the Objects toolbar. In the Insert Movie window, select Embed Movie File. Browse to find and select the movie file. Click OK to embed it on the slide.
What movie formats are supported?
Currently the SWF movie format is supported, with the following restrictions:
- Movie must be in version 7 or less. Version 8 is only partially supported.
- ActionScript version 3 isn't currently supported.
- Recommended frame rate is 18 frames per second. Viewlets play at 18 fps and will play any embedded movies at this rate. So if your embedded movie has a higher frame rate, it will appear to be playing slow and vice versa.
How do I add a hyperlink?
A hyperlink allows a user, with a single click, perform an action such as jumping to another web page, open an email window, load an object, etc.
What is a Click Zone?
A click zone is a clickable area of a slide (transparent in the published file) that a user must click in order to correctly respond.
How do I add a Click Zone to a slide?
Select the Insert ClickZone icon on the Objects toolbar. For more information on working with click zones, please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com.
What slide events and actions are available for Click Zones?
Please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com for details.
What is a Text Zone?
A text zone is a field that the user must input data into in order to respond correctly.
How do I add a Text Zone to a slide?
Select the Insert TextZone icon on the Objects toolbar. For more information on working with text zones, please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com.
What slide events and actions are available for Text Zones?
Please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com for details.
What is a Keystroke Zone?
A keystroke zone contains a defined key or keys that the user must press in order to respond correctly.
How do I add a Keystroke Zone to a slide?
Select the Insert Keystroke Zone icon on the Objects toolbar.
Keystroke zone keyboard support
ViewletBuilder 6.1 introduces the concept of safe and unsafe keys, to better support international keyboard:
- safe keys: keys which have the same keycodes on all keyboards
- unsafe keys: keys that could have different keycodes on other keyboards
An example of an unsafe key is the PLUS Sign (+):
- On English keyboards the PLUS Sign is entered by the combination of the “SHIFT” and “EQUAL” keys.
- On Norwegian keyboards the “PLUS” sign is a single key.
There are many other possible conflicts across keyboards. If you expect your Viewlet might be viewed by clients whose native language is different from yours, you should stick with the safe key list.
Safe list
- keys A-Z
- numbers 0-9
- numpad keys
- keys F1-F12, except the F10
- backspace, caps lock, delete, end, enter, escape, home, insert, num lock, page up/down, pause/break, print screen, scroll lock, space bar, tab
- arrow keys
All other keys are on the unsafe list.
You can use Shift, Ctrl and Alt key combinations with any key with some restrictions:
For example, browsers such as Internet Explorer will trap the Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+D, so these key combinations won’t be passed to the Viewlet.
When the Viewlet is compiled as an executable Alt key combinations do not work.
What slide events and actions are available for Keystroke Zones?
Please refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com for details.
What is a Pause Zone?
A pause zone allows a Viewlet to pause on a specified slide.
How do I add a Pause Zone to a slide?
Select the Insert PauseZone icon from the Objects toolbar. A red triangle will display on the slide, but will be transparent in the published project.
How do I add a Question to a slide?
Select the Insert Question icon on the Objects toolbar.
How do I change an interactive zone's message type and style?
Right click on the message object and select Message Type from the shortcut menu. In the Message Type window, make your selections and click OK.
How do I change a Question slide's button type or style?
Right click on the button and select Button Style. In the window that displays, select a new button and click OK.
How do I view a zone's properties?
Right click on the zone and select the applicable Properties option from the shortcut menu. In the window that displays, make your selections and click OK.
What is Page Layout?
Page Layout allows you to set default when printing your slides. To set these defaults, select File > Page Layout from the menu bar and in the Page Layout window, set up your printing defaults.
How do I print slides?
There are several ways to print slides. The easiest is to select File > Print from the menu options. Select and printer in the Print window and click Print. For additional print options, refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual or contact support@qarbon.com.
How can I export text from my project?
Select File > Export > Text for Translation from the menu. If prompted, save the file. In the Export Text window, select a save location and type in a file name. Click Save and the text is exported and saved to an XML file.
How do I export sounds?
Select File > Export > Sounds from the menu. In the Export Sounds window, select your options and click Export. In the Save File In window, select a folder to save the exported sounds in. Click Save and the exported sound files will be saved in the WAV format.
How do I export to PDF?
Select Project > Publish Viewlet > PDF from the menu. Select destination and click Publish.
Can I export slides as images?
Yes. Select Project > Publish Viewlet > Image Set. In the Image Set window, make your selections including the Destination to save the images in and click Publish. If you have any questions, contact support@qarbon.com.
Can I import slides from one project into another?
Yes. While viewing thumbnails, select a slide. All imported slides will be inserted AFTER this selection. Then, select File > Import > Import Slides from the menu. Browse to find and select your project. Select the slides to import and click OK. If you have any questions on importing slides from one project into another, contact support@qarbon.com.
Can I import text for translations?
If you previously exported text for translation, you can use the XML file associated with the Viewlet to import edited text back into the same project. Select File > Import > Text for Translation from the menu. Locate and select the XML file and click Open to import the text.
What are Project Properties?
Project Properties are defaults you set up for your Viewlet project such as Viewlet Profile information, image and sound quality, Flash settings and more.
Where do I enter Viewlet, Author and Company information into a project?
Select Project > Project Properties from the menu. In the Viewlet Profile section, enter all of the Viewlet authoring and company information as needed.
What sound quality options are available for the published file?
Viewlets may be published using CD, high or standard quality. Or, you can choose to strip all sound when publishing a project without affecting audio in the source file.
Can I change the image quality prior to publishing?
Yes, this is set up in the Project Properties window in the Image Quality section.
What global timing options are available?
Global timing options are available for cursor and reading speed in the Timing section of the Project Properties window.
What are Packaging options?
Packaging options include creating a stand alone player and a zip file. These options are found in the Project Properties window in the Packaging section.
Can I set the default publishing language?
Yes, this can be set in the Language section of the Project Properties window.
Can I manually input text for login screens, information windows, etc., for my Viewlet in a different language?
Yes, these can be edited in the Language section of the Project Properties widow.
What Flash publishing options are available?
Flash publishing defaults may be viewed and selected in the Flash section of the Project Properties window.
What are Animated Extras?
You specify the Animated Extras in Project Properties / Flash / Animated Extras panel. Animated Extras are Flash (SWF) movies that are attached to the beginning and/or to the end of the viewlet. This allows you to add a custom introduction or conclusion to your Viewlet.
What movie format is supported for Animated Extras?
Currently only the Flash (SWF) movie file format is supported, with additional restictions:
- Movie must be in version 7 or less. Version 8 is only partially supported.
- ActionScript version 3 isn't currently supported.
- SWF movie cannot have embedded video.
- SWF cannot have any exported symbols (symbols that are used via the attachMovie function).
- SWF dimensions must be the same or smaller than the Viewlet.
- SWF should be a simple frame to frame animation, rather than a complex SWF controlled via AcitonScript
- Recommended frame rate is 18 frames per second. Viewlets play at 18 fps and will play animated extras at this rate. So if your animated extra has a higher frame rate, it will appear to be playing slow and vice versa.
- The duration of the animated extras are calculated by multiplying its frame count by 18 fps. It will be displayed for this calculated duration time.
- The begining movie cannot have stop() function call on the timeline.
What is a ViewletSkin?
A ViewletSkin is the wrapper around the Viewlet. To view skinning options, select ViewletSkin in the Project Properties window.
What ViewletSkins are available for Viewlets?
Yes. Contact sales@qarbon.com for more information.
How do I create a custom ViewletSkin for my Viewlets?
Contact sales@qarbon.com for more information.
What is an HTML Frame?
This is the frame that the Viewlet plays in on a web page. Refer to the ViewletBuilder8 User Manual for more information or contact support@qarbon.com.
How do I edit my Viewlet's HTML Frame defaults?
You can edit HTML Frame defaults in the HTML Frame section of the Project Properties window.
Previewing and Publishing
How do I preview a Viewlet?
Click the Preview button from the toolbar and select an preview option from the drop-down list.
Can I preview a Viewlet without publishing it?
How do I publish to a local folder?
Click the Publish button on the toolbar and in the window that displays, select the local folder and click Next. Follow the rest of the screen prompts to publish to a local folder.
How do I publish to an FTP server?
Click the Publish button on the toolbar and in the window that displays, select the FTP server and click Next. Follow the rest of the screen prompts to publish to your ftp server.
How do I publish to ViewletCentral?
Click the Publish button on the toolbar and in the window that displays, select the Qarbon ViewletCentral and click Next. Follow the rest of the screen prompts to publish your project to ViewletCentral.
How do I call ActionScript methods in a Viewlet from JavaScript?
Note: ViewletBuilder8 has replaced the JavaScriptFlashGateway with a new approach that uses the
ExternalInterface class in the Flash core.
To call methods in the Viewlet, you first need to create a flashObject variable, as follows ("viewletName" is the ID of your viewlet):
var flashObject = window.document.viewletName;
The variable should be created in the html file that includes the FlashTag.js file and also contains your Viewlet. You can then call methods in the Viewlet as follows:
<a href="javascript:flashObject.viewletPause()">Pause Viewlet</a>
<a href="javascript:flashObject.viewletUnpause()">Play Viewlet</a>
You can also access runtime variables in the Viewlet by calling the viewletGetVariable method on the flashObject, for example:
Tip: Each time you recompile the viewlet, the HTML will get regenerated and you will loose your updates. The solution is to update your HTML Frame in Project Properties, rather than editing the HTML after the Viewlet has been compiled. You can do this in a generic way so that you can use this HTML Frame in any project, by using ViewletBuilder $VARS$.
To create the flashObject variable in an HTML frame you would use the following code.
var flashObject = window.document.$VIEWLET_NAME$;
$VIEWLET_NAME$ will automatically get replaced with the current Viewlet name.
Here is an example Viewlet that calls methods on the flashObject
This table shows the methods that are available in Viewlets compiled with VB6/VQuiz3.
Method |
Description |
viewletReset() |
Restart the Viewlet. |
viewletGotoSlide(slideNum) |
Goto the the specified slide number. |
viewletJumpToNextSlide() |
Move to the next slide. |
viewletJumpToLastSlide() |
Move the the previous slide. |
viewletPause() |
Pause the Viewlet. |
viewletUnpause() |
Run the Viewlet again. |
viewletGetVariable(varname) |
Get the variable value from the viewlet. The list of viewlet variables is bellow. |
This table lists properties available in Viewlets compiled with VB4/VACE/VB5/VB6/VQuiz2/VQuiz3.
Variable | Description |
isplaying |
True when the Viewlet is playing, false when the Viewlet is paused/stopped. [Boolean] |
viewletwidth |
Represents the width of the Viewlet, including the size of the Table of Contents. [Number] |
viewletheight |
Represents the height of the Viewlet. [Number] |
vbversion |
Contains the version number in format #.#.#. [String] |
viewletName |
The name of the Viewlet. [String] |
quizTime |
The timelimit of the quiz in milliseconds. [Number] |
passingScore |
Score that must be reached to pass the quiz. [Number] |
totalScore |
The maximum score that can be reached. [Number] |
slidecount |
The number of slides. [Number] |
totalframecount |
The total number of frames. [Number] |
currentframe |
The number of the frame in which the playhead is located. [Number] |
currentslide |
The number of the slide which is currently displayed. [Number] |
This table lists properties available in Viewlets compiled with VB5/VB6//VQuiz2/VQuiz3.
Variable | Description |
The number of slides. [Number] |
The maximum score that can be reached. [Number] |
Score that must be reached to pass the quiz. [Number] |
Percentage that must be reached to pass the quiz. [Number] |
The width of the Viewlet, including the size of the Table of Contents. [Number] |
The height of the Viewlet including the title and player bars. [Number] |
The width of the slide. This is the width of the Viewlet Project. [Number] |
The height of the slide. This is the height of the Viewlet Project. [Number] |
The name of the Viewlet. [String] |
The title of the Viewlet. [String] |
The description of the Viewlet. [String] |
The name of the Viewlet author. [String] |
The email address of the Viewlet author. [String] |
The author's comment. [String] |
The name of the company. [String] |
The department of the company. [String] |
The URL of the company website. [String] |
The locale code of the Viewlet. [String] |
The language of the Viewlet. [String] |
The timelimit of the quiz in milliseconds. [Number] |
The name of the application that was used to create the Viewlet. [String] |
The number of question/zone slides. [Number] |
The number of the currently displayed slide. [Number] |
The name of the currently displayed slide. [String] |
The slide notes of the currently displayed slide. [String] |
The users current question score. [Number] |
The username the user entered into the login panel. [String] |
The current time elapsed in milliseconds.[Number] |
True when the Viewlet is playing, false when the Viewlet is paused/stopped. [Boolean] |
True when the Viewlet is paused, false when the Viewlet is playing. [Boolean] |
The number of questions answered correctly so far. [Number] |
The number of questions answered incorrectly so far. [Number] |
The number of questions not completed so far. [Number] |
The number of the current question. [Number] |
The id of the current question. [Number] |
The name of the current question. [String] |
The text of the current question. [String] |
The type of the current question. Possible values are: none, shortAnswer, multipleChoice, likert, clickZone, keystrokeZone, textZone, pauseZone. [String] |
The points assigned to the current question. [Number] |
The number of attempts allowed for the current question. [Number] |
True if the current question is a survey. [Boolean] |
The amount of time specified for the current question in milliseconds. [Number] |
The correct answer for the current question. This is updated on every prepare method call. [String] |
The user's response for the current question. The value is updated after each user attempt. [String] |
The amount of time it took the user to respond to this question in milliseconds. [Number] |
True if the current question was answered correctly. [Boolean] |
The total points awarded to the user for answering the question correctly. [Number] |
The number of attempts it took the user to answer the question. [Number] |
During Activation - "Over Allowed Limit"
Upon successful activation you may see a message such as:
Type: 1 User License
Status: 2 Activations Used "Over Allowed Limit"
The over allowed limit message means that you have activated the product on more machines than your license allows.. We allow some extra "grace" activations, however if this is activated on more machines than you intend, you should go to the other machine and deactivate.
You can deactivate by using the "Deactivate" command from the "Help" menu.
If you exceed the number of allowed activations and grace activations you will see a message that says "The license code you entered has exceeded its total number of activations".
Due to the security settings of your Flash Player plugin, some advanced features of this Viewlet are disabled.
Your Viewlet may display the following error message "Due to the security settings of your Flash Player plugin, some advanced features of this Viewlet are disabled."
This is displayed because the Flash 8 security model has restrictions against accessing the local machine. This only applies if the
Viewlet is run from the local machine. For example if the HTML and SWF file are in a folder on your machine and you run by opening the main
html page in your browser. If the Viewlet will be run from a webserver, this error message won't be displayed.
This error message will happen if you have actions in your viewelt that call Javascript in the HTML, such as the "Display URL" action or "Javascript" action, and its run from a non trusted folder. The way to resolve this issue is to notify Flash that the folder the Viewlet is running from is "trusted".
There are several ways to mark a folder as trusted.
1. Any "Local or Network Folders" that are added to the Publishing Wizard in ViewletBuilder are automatically trusted. VielwetBuilder will automatically setup this folder as trusted. This is why Viewlets run from "My Viewlets" won't display the error message.
2. Open the Adobe Global Security Settings Panel in your browser and click on "Edit Locations..." and add the folder your Viewlet is in on the local machine to the list of trusted folders.
3. Add a text file to the following directory (where <username> is the currently logged in user) that lists the names of the trusted directories, one per line:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust
You can take a look at the file ViewletBuilder sets up in this folder named QarbonTrustLocations.txt for an example.
If you are setting up Computer Based Training where a users installs Viewlets from a CD. You will need to modify your installation script to add an a trust entry for the location where the Viewlets were installed.
For more details Adobe's website that explains Flash Trust in detail.
You can not publish to a Licensed ViewletCentral account from an Unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder.
ViewletCentral offers three types of accounts, Discovery, Unlicensed, and Licensed.
The Discovery account is free. It allows up to two Viewlets in the account at any one time. Discovery accounts will accept Viewlets created with both the Licensed and Unlicensed versions of ViewletBuilder or ViewletQuiz. Unlicensed Viewlets published to a Discovery account will be displayed without watermarks that are normally found in Unlicensed Viewlets.
Licensed and Unlicensed ViewletCentral accounts are fee-based accounts. Please review our fee structure.
Licensed ViewletCentral accounts only accept Viewlets created with a Licensed copy of ViewletBuilder or ViewletQuiz
Unlicensed ViewletCentral accounts will accept Viewlets created with either Licensed or Unlicensed copies of ViewletBuilder or ViewletQuiz.
The project you are attempting to open was created using an unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder8 that is installed on another computer.
In order to work with this project on your computer, you must first purchase a license for the other computer and activate it, then open and resave the project there.
With an unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder you can create as many projects as you want, on the same machine, without activating. Once you
activate the watermark will be removed from the projets when they are recompiled.
However you can only open those projects created on that machine. You can not open projects created by an unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder8
on another machine. In other words projects created by an unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder8 are tied to that machine.
These restrictions only apply to projects created with unlicensed versions of ViewletBuilder8. Projects created with licensed versions
can be opened by any other licensed version of ViewletBuilder8.
The reason Qarbon enforces this rule is because in the past some customers have purcahsed one version of ViewletBuilder for an
entire department. The licensed version was used to compile and publish Viewlets, while all of the authors used free versions to
create projects. We feel that it wasn't fair use and didn't comply with the terms of our license.
With ViewletBuilder4 we prevented this by adding a 30 day limit to Viewlets created with the a trial version, but this caused
many problems with our customers who couldn't open projects created after the 30 day limit expired. ViewletBuilder8 avoids this restriction
by embeddding a unique machine id into the project.
If you get this error message it means that you are attempting to open a project created on another machine with an unlicensed
version of ViewletBuilder8. To resolve this issue, the project must be opened on the machine it was created on. If ViewletBuilder8 on that machine is
activated and then, the the unlicensed project opened and recompiled, then all restrictions will be removed.
The licensed project you are trying to open cannot be opened with unlicensed versions of ViewletBuilder8.
Please visit our online store to purchase ViewletBuilder8.
Unlicensed versions of ViewletBuilder8 can only open projects created with an unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder8.
This allows our customers to try ViewletBuilder8 and determine if meets thier needs.
The unlicensed version of ViewletBuilder8 is feature
complete the only restriction is that published Viewlets will have a watermark. Viewlets previewed using Project > Preview in Browser will not
have a watermark.
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