ViewletCam is an easy-to-use, software media tool that allows you to capture onscreen actions on your PC. For a list of features, please visit our ViewletCam product page for more details.
Once you purchase a license for ViewletCam, you will receive an email with your licensing information. Launch the ViewletCam software and input the appropriate licensing information to register the program. For more information, please visit our ViewletCam tutorials page and look at the demo on “License Activation”.
No, once you install ViewletCam, you have everything you need to run the software. In order to view the exported Flash Viewlets, you (or the viewer) will need:
Where can I download the licensed version of ViewletCam?
Only the trial version is available for download for ViewletCam. Once installed, you just open the program to register it to convert it to the licensed version. For more information, please visit our ViewletCam tutorials page and watch them demo on “License Activation”.
Where can I obtain information the latest ViewletCam program releases?
If you provided your email when you downloaded ViewletCam, you will automatically receive emails about products, upgrades, etc. Or, feel free to contact our Customer Care group if you have any questions.
Where can I get additional help for using ViewletCam?
Please go to the Help section of our site for additional self-help options for all of our products. You can also take advantage of our Training services. Finally, if you cannot find the answers you seek, please feel free to Contact Us with any questions or concerns you may have.