Features | Composica Enterprise | Web-based Competitor | Desktop Competitor |
New in Composica 15 |
No installation required for developers |
Collaborative Web-Based infrastructure | | Limited | |
WYSIWYG authoring environment | | | |
Central repository for learning objects | | | |
Central repository for media | | | |
Content reusability | | | Limited |
Inheritance of styles and layouts | | | |
Entirely programming-free | | | |
Workflow management and tasks | | | |
Familiar windows-like look and feel | | | |
Embedding of media and documents |
Limited |
Central installation and maintenance | | | |
No installation required for developers |
PowerPoint Integration |
Improved workflow management & tasks |
Limited |
Special Contributer role for SME |
Limited |
Universal Media Player |
Smart Content Preloading |
Limited |
Cost | $ | $$$$ | $ |
Dashboards and Team Visibility |
Development Blogs, comments, RSS |
Built-in Chat |
Resources Tagging |
Course Blogs |
Course Comments |
Ratings |
Embedded RSS Feeds |
Built-in Spell Checking |
Alignment tools |
Spacing/distribution tools |
Size matching tools |
Built-in vector graphics tools |
Media explorer |
YouTube Movies |
Google Charts |
Multiple Search Engines |
Navigation is based on course structure | | | |
Various dynamic navigation elements | | | Limited |
Links to external pages | | | |
Links to internal pages | | | |
Games Based Learning |
Multiple choice question | | Limited | Limited |
Drag and Drop | | | Limited |
Fill in the blank | | | Limited |
Hot Spots |
Limited |
Visual effects | | | |
Questions can be randomized | | | |
Questions answers can be randomized | | | |
Immediate or delayed feedback | | | |
Questions can be drawn from a pool | | | |
Configurable score weights | | | |
Question can be any interaction | | | |
Control of partial answer handling | | | |
Built-in Narration Recording |
Limited |
Automatic Narration Sequencing |
Limited |
Closed Captioning for disabled learners |
Multi-byte character support |
Enhanced bi-directional support |
Publish online as HTML5  |
| | |
Publish offline (CD, desktop) | | | |
Content can be run without a plug-in |
| | Limited |
SCORM 1.2 compliant |
SCORM 2004 compliant |
Limited |
Integration with a third party LMS |